Team Science Facilitation

TDAI provides team science facilitation for funded project teams to enable knowledge integration, capacity building, the delivery of outcomes, and the achievement of scientific goals. As part of funded projects, Director of Research Strategy Jenny Grabmeier designs and facilitates key activities that can be tailored to specific team needs and contexts.

  • All-Hands Meetings
  • Collaboration Planning
    • Values
    • Code of Conduct
    • Authorship and Credit Policy
    • Communication
    • Data and File Sharing 
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
    • NextGen Roles and Responsibilities 
    • Project Processes
    • Collaborator/Community Engagement
  • Capacity Building 
    • Team Science 101
    • Communication Skills
    • Teaming Building and Developmental Stages
    • NextGen Professional Development
  • Strategic Planning

Other topics can be developed based on team needs. 

For information on rates, email Jenny Grabmeier at