April 25, 2023
301 Pomerene Hall
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2023-04-25 12:00:00
2023-04-25 13:00:00
Postdoctoral Scholar Seminar: Disalienation in the silicon heartland
TDAI Postdoctoral Fellow on Art & Data Dr. Brett Zehner will give a seminar talk on his work. Further information below.
The event will be hybrid.
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Dr. Zehner's research centers on the transnational rise of white supremacy and racial capitalism in relation to big data, abolitionist aesthetics, and critical theories of subjection. His work has been published in Que Parle, Media-N, and he has exhibited at Transmediale. He is currently working on his manuscript Digital Abolitionism: Technological Resistance to Behavioral Data Mining and White Racial Capitalism. This text provides a genealogy of big data from the perspective of racial capitalism while highlighting recent tactical media approaches to an expanded notion of abolitionism.
301 Pomerene Hall
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2023-04-25 12:00:00
2023-04-25 13:00:00
Postdoctoral Scholar Seminar: Disalienation in the silicon heartland
TDAI Postdoctoral Fellow on Art & Data Dr. Brett Zehner will give a seminar talk on his work. Further information below.
The event will be hybrid.
Register for in-person
Register for Zoom
Dr. Zehner's research centers on the transnational rise of white supremacy and racial capitalism in relation to big data, abolitionist aesthetics, and critical theories of subjection. His work has been published in Que Parle, Media-N, and he has exhibited at Transmediale. He is currently working on his manuscript Digital Abolitionism: Technological Resistance to Behavioral Data Mining and White Racial Capitalism. This text provides a genealogy of big data from the perspective of racial capitalism while highlighting recent tactical media approaches to an expanded notion of abolitionism.
301 Pomerene Hall
TDAI Postdoctoral Fellow on Art & Data Dr. Brett Zehner will give a seminar talk on his work. Further information below.
The event will be hybrid.
Dr. Zehner's research centers on the transnational rise of white supremacy and racial capitalism in relation to big data, abolitionist aesthetics, and critical theories of subjection. His work has been published in Que Parle, Media-N, and he has exhibited at Transmediale. He is currently working on his manuscript Digital Abolitionism: Technological Resistance to Behavioral Data Mining and White Racial Capitalism. This text provides a genealogy of big data from the perspective of racial capitalism while highlighting recent tactical media approaches to an expanded notion of abolitionism.