TDAI Postdoctoral Fellow on Race and Responsible Data Science Dr. Harshavardhan Bhat will give a seminar talk entitled "Abolitional Meteorology: the making and disappearance of data and rain" on Tuesday, January 24, at Noon.
The event will be hybrid. Please join us in 301 Pomerene Hall, or register for a Zoom link here: https://osu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrdOiqrzMrGdD8S3flnuiNAaS15yQ6jzR3
"In this talk, I weave together the stories of monsoon meteorology and instantiations in the making of “race” through the study of atmospheric politics. Drawing on a shared historical analytics of projecting, describing and producing constructs based on the colonial form - what relations are leveraged to produce futures? What types of globality are rendered into the conversation between peoples in imagining and making rain? Drawing from my interdisciplinary social sciences doctoral work as part of the Monsoon Assemblages project [ERC grant no 679873] and leading on to my ongoing project which asks - what does a data analytics of liberation at a time of climate change look like? - this work follows what some scholars have come to call an “otherwise” - invested in the modeling of infrastructures that expand the possibility of flourishing rather than its capture - towards what I call in this context, an abolitional meteorology."