The theme: "Computational Approaches for a Just and Sustainable World"
Nov. 8-9 | Pomerene Hall, 1760 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH
Data, data, everywhere, so how can it help us think? Researchers, staff and students are invited to explore the use of big data-enabled approaches to advance justice and sustainability at the 2023 Interdisciplinary Research Fall Forum, hosted by the Sustainability Institute and Translational Data Analytics Institute.
Wednesday, November 8
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM: Registration Check-In
300 Pomerene Hall
10:45 AM - 11:30 AM: Forum Welcome
301 Pomerene Hall

Dr. Tanya Berger-Wolf
Faculty Director, Translational Data Analytics Institute
Professor of Computer Science Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; and Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Ohio State University

Dr. Elena Irwin
Faculty Director, Sustainability Institute
Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in Economics and Sustainability
Ohio State University

Dr. Patrick Louchouarn
Professor, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty
Dr. Patrick Louchouarn joined The Ohio State University in 2022 and leads the inaugural Office of Faculty Affairs. His multidisciplinary research focuses on understanding the impacts of environmental perturbations on biogeochemical cycling at ecosystem interfaces and addressing capacity building in earth and environmental education in diverse communities. In parallel, to address issues of learning and thinking in the environmental sciences, he incorporates this research into inquiry-based educational models that question how people learn and make decisions on environmental issues.
Prior to coming to Ohio State, Dr. Louchouarn was interim vice provost for faculty affairs and interdisciplinary initiatives at Texas A&M University, where he led several offices and initiatives. In 2020 he was named a Regents Professor by the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents.
Dr. Louchouarn, who was born in France and raised in Mexico City, received his bachelor’s degree in marine biology from McGill University, and his master’s degree and PhD from the University of Québec in Montréal in Environmental Sciences (geochemistry). He was educated in and speaks three languages fluently (French, English, and Spanish), and he studied Mandarin in Mainland China as an undergraduate as part of a Minor in East Asian Studies.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Poster Presentations & Research Partner Table Session
320 Pomerene Hall
Students and postdocs will present posters, while representatives from researcher resources at Ohio State and beyond will be available to discuss offerings and opportunities.
Student & Postdoc Presenters
John Baker, Critical Violations in Ohio's Restaurants
Neeraja Balasubrahmaniam, Discovering Microbial Indicators of Indoor Environmental Dampness Using Metatranscriptomics
J. D. Bourke, America's Small Business Innovation Machine
Jelena Brkljacic, Can Past Data Tell Us More About Future Orders? Increasing Efficiency of Sandwich Prep at Oxley's Cafe
Rachel Carr, Oxley's by the Numbers
Amanda Carroll, 4 Health Inspection Quick Facts
Chelsea Cobranchi, Ohio Health Inspections
Amy Cogswell, Government Funding of Small Business Technology Innovation in Millions of Dollars 2012-2021
Vishal Dey, Improving Compound Activity Classification via Deep Transfer and Representation Learning
Ruixuan Ding, Examining the Relationship Between Soil Moisture and Methane Emissions from a Landfill Site in Ohio
Wenxin Du, Quantitative Approaches Toward Equitable Virtual Reality
Eshita Eva, Evaluation of the Variable Importance of 1-km Downscaled Soil Moisture for the CONUS using Random Forest
Jacob Gardner, Assessing the Impact of New PFAS Regulations on Water Affordability in the State of Ohio
Jacob Gardner, Assessing the Financial Capability of Ohio Water Utilities to Meet New PFAS Limits
Yuntian He, FairMILE: Towards an Efficient Framework for Fair Graph Representation Learning
Lim Jaeyeong, Tailored Adaptation Strategies for Power Transmission Infrastructure Considering Regional Differences in Climate Change Efforts
Jenna Kline, Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure for Remote Sensing with Autonomous Aerial Robotics: Applications in Animal Ecology and Digital Agriculture
Matthew Kohut, Fuel Efficiency and Driving Behaviors
Jessica Kulp, Data for Healthy Communities: Development of a Supplemental High School Course
Ren Leaflight, US Department of Defense: Green Technology Innovation Funded Through the SBIR/STTR Programs
Grace Mackessy, Driving Behaviors: Comparing Fuel Efficiency with Telematics Data
Mazin Mahrouqi, Weather vs. Power Grid: A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Transmission Line Interruptions
Khyati Malik, Modeling Carbon Sequestration Through Land Use Changes in the Great Lakes Region
Pranav Maneriker, Interactive Fairness Auditing
Yi Mao, Time-Constrained Restless Multi-Armed Bandits with Applications to City Service Scheduling
Simon Nabors, Examining the Impact of Traffic on Fuel Efficiency
Neena Naikar, Route Optimization Algorithm for the City of Powell
Lingyu Ouyang, Feathers, Fields, and Fowl Cholera: Unveiling the Role of Land Cover in Fowl Cholera Outbreaks for Midwest Commercial Poultry Industry
Ximena Oyarzun Gonzalez, Patterns of Anticoagulant Describing Practices After an ED Visit Due to GI Bleeding
Bo Peng, HAM: Hybrid Associations Models for Sequential Recommendation
Xueqiao Peng, Using REinforcement Learning for Multi-Objective Cluster-Level Optimization of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions for Infectious Disease
Micaela Richter, Understanding Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19 Outcomes Using an Agent-Based Simulation
Alexys Rodriguez Avellaneda, Examining Socioeconomic Disparities in Power System Fragility: A Case Study of Hurricane Effects in Florida
John Ruff, When Should I Order from Oxley's?
Oluwadamilola Salau, Beyond Water Bodies: Urban Pluvial Flood Risk in Columbus, Ohio
Sarikaa Sridhar, Towards Sustainable Knowledge Gap Identification with TinyML
Robert Sunderhaft, Deep Learning Improvements for Sparse Spatial Field Reconstruction
Yang Tang, OSU Digital Twin Engine Initiative
Zhanassyl Teleubay, Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Deep Learning-Based Prediction
Alyssa Tryansky, Oxley's Cafe Build Your Own Breakfast Sandwich Analysis from August 2019-May2022
Katie Vatke, Optimization of Rapid Sand Filtration for Passive Water Treatment
Claymore Wade, Columbus Trips on I-270 Behaviors for Eco-Friendliness
Wenyu Wang, Assessing the Impact of the 2021 Texas Winterstorm Disaster on Social Group Vulnerability and Resilience: A Spatial Flow Analysis and Deep Learning Approach
Yixuan Wang, Evaluating the Coal-to-Gas Policy in China: Heterogeneous Effects and Implications for Energy Transition
Sebrina Zeleke, When to Use Demographic Data in Healthcare Models: A Bias-Responsible Approach
Research Partners
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center | Center for Clinical & Translational Science | Center of Microbiome Science | CHRR | Environmental & Social Sustainability Lab | Foods for Health | Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme | Infectious Diseases Institute | Office of Knowledge Enterprise | Ohio Supercomputer Center | Research Commons | STEAM Factory
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Panel Discussion
Assessing Corporate Climate Risks: Challenges and Opportunities
301 Pomerene Hall
Discussion abstract: The business community is taking the challenge of climate change seriously. Many companies have ambitiously pledged to cut emissions in line with the Science Based Targets Initiative, committing to pursue efforts that would limit global warming to 1.5°C. Others are evaluating and mitigating climate risks as part of their Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies. Climate change reporting is becoming a staple in corporate disclosures. In 2022, more than 18,700 companies representing half of the global market capitalization disclosed climate change surveys through the Carbon Disclosure Project. While companies are interested in assessing and quantifying their exposure to climate change, there are significant challenges to quantifying their physical and transition risks. This session will discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with conducting climate risk assessments from an industry and university perspective.
To kick off the session, each panelist will provide brief opening remarks, sharing their perspective and insights on corporate climate risk. The panel will then discuss challenges that many companies face and strategies for overcoming these challenges.
The Q&A portion will provide an opportunity for attendees to further engage with the panelists and gain insights on how risk assessment and planning can help companies enhance their resilience to climate change.
Wrap Up rap to come!
Hosted by:

Steven Quiring, PhD
TDAI Core Faculty
Professor, Geography
Ohio State University

Sandy Nessing
Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer

Katelyn Johnson, PhD
Principal Analyst in the Net Zero & Climate Risk practice

Christopher Ito, CFA
Chief Executive Officer
FFI Holdings LLC

Christian Blanco, PhD
Assistant Professor
Fisher College of Business
Ohio State University
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Workshop
EmPOWERing A Data-Driven Climate-Benign Just Energy Transition That Enhances Sustainability
350 Pomerene Hall
Discussion abstract: The OSU EmPOWERment Program was established in 2019 by a $3M grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The OSU EmPOWERment Program provides “convergent graduate training for a sustainable energy future” by a set of interconnected elements that level-set incoming Ph.D. trainees on data analytics, expose students to various multi-disciplinary issues for energy, cultivate community, and expose trainees to various career pathways. The program is designed for Ph.D. students studying any aspect of energy from disciplines across the university, and is structured to not extend the time to graduate. This workshop will present the OSU EmPOWERment Program and its various facets and discuss the need to re-envision graduate education by considering what does and does not work well. The workshop will engage in conversation on various opportunities and barriers for encouraging and cultivating a culture of interdisciplinary research and education, embed and institutionalize this program at OSU and similar programs elsewhere, and evolving the engagement inside and outside universities in order to development knowledge through research and disseminate that knowledge through various channels—including in the graduates we produce.
Wrap up rap by Zeps, Event Rap
Organizer and Panelist:
Jeffrey M. Bielicki, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering and the John Glenn College of Public Affairs; Ohio State University
- Michael Bisesi, PhD, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Academic Administration and Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, College of Public Health; Ohio State University
- Chen Chen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Integrated Systems Engineering, College of Engineering; Ohio State University
- Mathew Mayhew, PhD, Professor, William Ray and Marie Adamson Flesher Professor of Educational Administration, Department of Educational Studies, College of Education and Human Ecology; Ohio State University
- Ethan Rivera, Student Programming Lead, Ohio State Battelle Center for Science, Engineering, and Public Policy; Ohio State University
- Emily Creamer, PhD, Post-Doctoral Scholar, Department of Educational Studies, College of Education and Human Ecology; Ohio State University
- Elena Irwin, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences in Economics and Sustainability; Faculty Director, Sustainability Institute; Ohio State University
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM: Student Flash Talks
301 Pomerene Hall
Mohammed Ahmed | Goonmeet Bajaj | James Cross | Sara Johnson | Xiaoyu Liang | Hyeseon Shin | Zach Smith
Wrap up rap by Zeps, Event Rap
3:50 PM - 5:00 PM: Researcher Flash Talks
301 Pomerene Hall
Kelsea Best | Jean-Michel Guldmann | Athar Hanif | Md.Mohaimenul Islam | Dane Morey
Wrap up rap by Baba Brinkman, Event Rap
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Networking reception
320 Pomerene Hall
Thursday, November 9
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Light breakfast
320 Pomerene Hall
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Workshop
Hydrogen at Scale(s): From Process Design to Societal Shifts
301 Pomerene Hall
Discussion abstract
Hydrogen’s flexibility, both in terms of its use as a fuel source (in combustion applications or fuel cell technologies) and its potential sources (from water in electrolysis or fossil fuels), are part of its appeal to meet our needs as society moves to a decarbonized energy system. However, the generation, distribution, and use of hydrogen will require substantial innovation at in all domains of our energy system. At the molecular and process scales, the production of hydrogen will require an understanding of the dynamics of hydrogen generation to develop new generation technologies that can scale up to meet growing needs. At the regional scale, there will be substantial changes to our infrastructure systems to build new (or repurpose existing) distribution networks and storage needs to buffer for inter-seasonal demand variations. At the societal scale, there will be a need to rapidly deploy technologies capable of using hydrogen fuel to meet energy needs and design social interventions that support the communities that may be impacted by transitions in our energy systems.
In this ideation workshop, participants will learn from researchers at Ohio State who are working on questions of hydrogen at scale. Afterwards, participants will engage with interdisciplinary colleagues from across the University in ideation breakout sessions to identify fundable research questions around hydrogen and potential collaborators to enable growing the University’s portfolio in Hydrogen research.
Wrap up rap by Baba Brinkman, Event Rap
Hosted by:
Daniel Gingerich, PhD, Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering
Ohio State University
- Jeff Bielicki, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering and Glenn College of Public Affairs; Ohio State University
- Jeffrey Jacquet, PhD, Associate Professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources; Ohio State University
- Martina Leveni, PhD, LEGACY Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering; Ohio State University
10:40 AM - 12:00 PM: Panel Discussion
Visualization Approaches to Address Equity and Justice: Computational Aspects and Applications
301 Pomerene Hall
Discussion abstract
This panel discussion will showcase three collaborative projects that leverage modern visualization techniques in varied settings, illustrating the role that visualization technology can play when addressing complex issues of equity and justice.
One theme for discussion is what benefits accrue from using visualization to highlight specific aspects of a topic of interest, as opposed to, say, writing a scholarly essay on the subject.
A second theme concerns the technical challenges that arise when using a method of expression, computer-aided visualization, that is not as well understood as more traditional methods, such as writing.
Addy will present a pilot study of how virtual reality (VR) users interact with the VR environment.
The study is motivated by his development of Eyes of Mariam, an embodied interactive experience that follows the journey of Mariam, an African teenage girl, who faces traumatic events that threaten her goal of getting an education.
Patterson will offer insights gleaned from his work on MeshFountain, an OSU project aimed at demystified, democratized, and equitable photogrammetry utilizing artificial intelligence techniques, with a specific focus on a collaboration with the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation’s forensic reconstruction unit.
Youngs will discuss the benefits and challenges of working in VR to create art that focuses on a mostly hidden, yet critically important part of our ecosystem.
In the collaborative project Belonging to Soil players are rescaled to the size of a tiny soil organism to help them revisualize themselves as a part of the soil ecosystem.
Wrap up rap by Baba Brinkman, Event Rap

Shadrick Addy, MGD
Assistant Professor
Advanced Computing Center for the Arts & Design
Ohio State University

Jeremy Patterson
Sr. Graphics Researcher
Advanced Computing Center for the Arts & Design
Ohio State University

Amy Youngs
Associate Professor, Graduate Studies Chair
Ohio State University
Moderated by:

Mario Peruggia, PhD
Professor, Statistics
Ohio State University
10:40 AM- 12:00 PM: Panel Discussion
Climate Resilience, Equity, and Justice: Intersecting Frameworks for a Sustainable Change
350 Pomerene
Discussion Abstract
Climate change is a pressing issue that affects many, but it disproportionately impacts marginalized communities who often have limited resources to adapt to its effects. This session will bring together research and practice experts from diverse fields to explore challenges and opportunities in building resilience while promoting equity and justice in the face of climate change.
To kick off the session, each panelist will provide brief opening remarks, sharing their perspective and insights on the intersection of climate change, equity, and justice. The panel will then dive into a series of discussions on specific topics such as retrospective and prospective analysis of infrastructure resilience and equity and collaborative approaches to community resilience and adaptation for climate resilience.
The Q&A portion will provide an opportunity for attendees to further engage with the panelists and gain insights on the latest research, best practices, and innovative solutions that promote equity and justice in the face of climate change.
Resources and references will be provided to attendees who would like to learn more about the topics covered in the discussion.
Wrap Up rap to come!

Kelsea Best, PhD
Assistant Professor
City & Regional Planning
Civil, Environmental & Geodetic Engineering
Ohio State University

YaVonda Ulfig, DBA
Energy Transition & Sustainability Manager
American Electric Power (AEP)

Katie White, MSW
Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging
Hosted by:

Smitha Rao, PhD
Assistant Professor
Social Work
Ohio State University

Abdollah Shafieezadeh, PhD
Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering
Ohio State University
12:00 - 1:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 - 2:20 PM: Panel Discussion
Responsibility at Run-time: Designing, Building, and Evaluating Machines as Team Players
301 Pomerene Hall
Discussion abstract
Sustainable, resilient, just, and equitable systems cannot be realized through a one-time thoughtful design and implementation (i.e., design-time work), but only through constant iteration and adaptation.
These iterations require people to ultimately detect off-nominal performance, devise and endorse a plan to intervene, and enact their adaptation.
This cognitive work can and will be augmented by a suite of technologies that can act in a variety of roles of increasing scope and consequence, but ultimately it will be people that adapt to emergent events under non-trivial uncertainty.
This implies that machines that are team players, meaning that they can more successfully contribute to joint human-machine activities, will be more valuable than those optimized for individual performance.
This panel is comprised of worldwide experts in designing, implementing, and evaluating for high-performing joint human-machine systems, ranging from acoustic alarms to computerized decision support to embodied multi-function robots.
They will discuss the tempting myths of automation, design-time ethics and responsible data science, and our foundational understanding of designing for run-time performance.
Robert Hoffman, PhD ( has written extensively on these topics and was the Founding Editor of IEEE Intelligent Systems: Human-Centered Computing.
Matthew Johnson, PhD ( has developed multiple tools and techniques to support design for joint activity while leading his robotics laboratory.
Michael Rayo, PhD ( researches, designs and implements machines that are compatible with and augment human cognitive capabilities. He has developed a design method, Joint Activity Design, that is focused on the unique requirements of AI-infused technologies.
Wrap up rap by Baba Brinkman, Event Rap

Robert R. Hoffman, PhD
Senior Research Scientist Emeritus
Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition

Matthew Johnson, PhD
Research Scientist
Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition

David D. Woods, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Integrated Systems Engineering, College of Engineering
Ohio State University
Moderated by:

Mike Rayo, PhD
Associate Professor
Integrated Systems Engineering
Ohio State University
1:00 - 2:20 PM: Panel Discussion
Challenges and Advances in Virtually Reconstructing Historical Columbus Neighborhoods: Research and Community Engagement
350 Pomerene Hall
Discussion abstract
Some major urban developments in the mid to late 20th century, such as construction of urban highways and suburbanization, have left behind negative legacies in American urban areas.
For example, many urban neighborhoods occupied by people of color, once thriving, were split by highways and, in some cases, fully demolished.
It is important to fully understand the impact of these changes in the past in order to plan for a just and sustainable future in these neighborhoods and in the city in general. To achieve this, however, a significant number of challenges must be addressed.
Can today's advances in computational methods such as machine learning and AI, and spatial data science be used to virtually reconstruct the past built environment from the data available?
How the perspectives of the communities in these neighborhoods can impact and improve virtual reconstruction? How to influence policy making through the research and community engagement?
These are the topics of a project called Ghost Neighborhoods of Columbus, being conducted at the Center of Urban and Regional Analysis at Ohio State.
The panelists, drawn from the project team and community partners, will discuss the social and policy contexts, technological approaches to reconstructing 3D models of built environments, historical and community perspectives, and conducting appropriate and positive community engagement.
Wrap up rap by Zeps, Event Rap

Rebecca Kemper, PhD
Chief Executive Officer
Columbus Landmarks Foundation

Rongjun Qin, PhD
Associate Professor
Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering
Ohio State University

Shelbi Toone, MPA
Project Manager
Ohio History Connection
Moderated by:

Harvey Miller, PhD
Professor and Reusche Chair in Geographic Information Science
Ohio State University
2:30 - 4:00 PM: Closing Keynote & Student Awards
301 Pomerene Hall
Student Awards Presentation wrap up rap by Zeps, Event Rap
Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning: A New Framework for Accelerating Scientific Discovery and Addressing Global Environmental Challenges

Vipin Kumar, PhD
Regents Professor and William Norris Endowed Chair
Computer Science and Engineering
Director, CSE Data Science Initiative
University of Minnesota
Research funded by NSF (AI Institutes, Expeditions in Computing, BIGDATA, INFEWS, STC, GCR, and HDR programs), DARPA, ARPA-E, and USGS
Closing Keynote rap by Baba Brinkman, Event Rap
Process-based models of dynamical systems are often used to study engineering and environmental systems. Despite their extensive use, these models have several well-known limitations due to incomplete or inaccurate representations of the physical processes being modeled. There is a tremendous opportunity to systematically advance modeling in these domains by using state of the art machine learning (ML) methods that have already revolutionized computer vision and language translation. However, capturing this opportunity is contingent on a paradigm shift in data-intensive scientific discovery since the “black box” use of ML often leads to serious false discoveries in scientific applications. Because the hypothesis space of scientific applications is often complex and exponentially large, an uninformed data-driven search can easily select a highly complex model that is neither generalizable nor physically interpretable, resulting in the discovery of spurious relationships, predictors, and patterns. This problem becomes worse when there is a scarcity of labeled samples, which is quite common in science and engineering domains.
This talk makes the case that in real-world systems that are governed by physical processes, there is an opportunity to take advantage of fundamental physical principles to inform the search of a physically meaningful and accurate ML model. While this talk will illustrate the potential of the knowledge-guided machine learning (KGML) paradigm in the context of environmental problems (e.g., Ecology, Hydrology, Agronomy), the paradigm has the potential to greatly advance the pace of discovery in a diverse set of discipline where mechanistic models are used, e.g., weather forecasting, and pandemic management.
Dr. Vipin Kumar is a Regents Professor and holds William Norris Chair in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota. His research spans data mining, high-performance computing, and their applications in Climate/Ecosystems and health care. He also served as the Director of Army High Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC) from 1998 to 2005. He has authored over 400 research articles, and co-edited or coauthored 11 books including two widely used text books ``Introduction to Parallel Computing", "Introduction to Data Mining", and a recent edited collection, “Knowledge Guided Machine Learning”. Kumar's current major research focus is on knowledge-guided machine learning and its applications to understanding the impact of human induced changes on the Earth and its environment. Kumar’s research on this topic is funded by NSF’s AI Instititues, BIGDATA, INFEWS, STC, GCR, and HDR programs, as well as ARPA-E, DARPA, and USGS. He has recently finished serving as the Lead PI of a 5-year, $10 Million project, "Understanding Climate Change - A Data Driven Approach", funded by the NSF's Expeditions in Computing program. Kumar is a Fellow of the AAAI, ACM, IEEE, AAAS, and SIAM. Kumar's foundational research in data mining and high performance computing has been honored by the ACM SIGKDD 2012 Innovation Award, which is the highest award for technical excellence in the field of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), the 2016 IEEE Computer Society Sidney Fernbach Award, one of IEEE Computer Society's highest awards in high performance computing, and Test-of-time award from 2021 Supercomputing conference (SC21).
Key Dates for Poster and Flash Talk Presenters
Research posters
- Last day to register your poster: Sun., Oct. 25
- Poster drop-off: Tues., Nov. 7, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Presentations to judges: Wed., Nov. 8, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- Student awards ceremony: Thurs., Nov. 9, 2:30 p.m.
Flash talks
- Last day to submit proposals: Wed., Oct. 25, 11:59 p.m.
- Deadline to submit slides (limit 5 slides): Sun., Nov. 5, 11:59 p.m.
- Student flash talks: Wed., Nov. 8, 2:40 - 3:40 p.m.
- Faculty and postdoc flash talks: Wed., Nov. 9, 3:50 - 5 p.m.